Telecommunication Systems

Telecommunication Systems

Equipment Supply:
Fluid Engineering finds the right product and brings it together with the customer through the partnership relationship it has established with product providers that will respond to the needs of the customer/project. NEC, Coriant, Pelco; In its product range, mainly microwave radios, IP/MPLS router devices, field security systems, mail processing systems, multiplexer systems can be counted.

Planning and Optimization:
All kinds of planning (route planning, radiolink planning and sizing, link budget calculation, interference calculation, LOS (line of sight), network management system (NMS)) and optimization studies can be provided by knowledgeable and experienced personnel in accordance with the needs of the project.
Project management:
The projects carried out are generally turnkey projects; Project scope works are completed in accordance with the timetable determined after the tender, offer and contract processes.
Field applications are carried out with both the technical supervisor staff within the body of puva and the extensive subcontractor network. Survey, installation, commissioning and transfers of the systems can be listed among the main studies.
By the training group within Puva:
• MW planning and sizing trainings
• Packet (IP) communication techniques trainings
• Operation and maintenance trainings for the equipment provided
• Operational maintenance trainings for NMS systems of the equipment provided
• Device assembly trainings
• On-the-job trainings are provided.